Friday, December 27, 2019
Essay about Legalizing Gambling - 713 Words
Why Amendment 33 is a Great Idea nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;These are a few reasons why amendment 33 is a great idea for the state of Colorado. This ballot proposal for 2003 will create 25 million dollars in benfits for tourism (the promotion of tourism is Colorado). Next, Colorado will get to keep 61% of the profits made from the video lottery terminals; currently other states casinos give them a 14 % return (Confused). Third, this amendment will create jobs for our slumping economy. Last of all, we will be able to offer something else that other states around us can’t offer (Gambling). When Amendment 33 passes in the state of Colorado, it will boost out slumping economy and help out Colorado. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;This†¦show more content†¦With amendment 33, jobs will be created. It is hard to find a decent job right now, and when amendment 33 passes, it will generate money and new jobs. With more money spend, people buy more from their local Merchants. So the businesses get more money, they have more to spend so they buy more, everyone wins. The video lottery program is a great idea to help strengthen the Colorado economy. Tourism is the backbone for a states economy, last year Colorado had a 160 million dollars in state and local taxes paid by tourist (Confused). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Tourism is one way that states make lots of money. With the help of Amendment 33, Colorado will have $25 million to promote the state. The goal is to bring out-of-staters to Colorado and have they spend their money here. With enough folks visiting, the money that they spend will add up fast and help the economy. These People will spend money on food, gas. hotels, this create s jobs because theses places will have to hire local people to work theses jobs. This amendment will provide 15 years of funding for Colorado (Colorado State Ballot Issues). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;There are a lot of critics that oppose the passing of Amendment 33. One of theses arguments is the naming of the slot machines; the machines will be called video lottery terminals. They are calling them this so that they can avoid certain stateShow MoreRelatedThe Benefits Of Legalizing Gambling Essay1909 Words  | 8 PagesPeople may think of the benefits of legalizing gambling first, but there come clear distinct problems that could be the result of the legalization. It is without question that there would be instances of players betting on various games whether it be on games in their league or others, and would give the leagues another giant problem to monitor of their players. There have already been clear problems with a variety of players in different sports like John Daly in golf, Michael Jordan, and CharlesRead MoreThe Issue Of Legalizing Gambling1827 Words  | 8 Pagessides of this issue; some people have difficulty determining the reasons beh ind legalizing gambling in the first place. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Good and Evil High Noon Essay examples - 1255 Words
GOOD AND EVIL The movie High Noon has interesting comparisons to the philosophies and views of Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill. It would be easy to analyze the lead character Kane as mirroring the philosophical views of Kant. This paper will analyze the somewhat contradictory actions of other characters which, to me, represent a quintessential truth about personal beliefs – that they are changed according to situation. I will be commenting on two characters in the movie which show a change in the views of the characters in relation to situational factors. We will be looking at Amy Kane and Mayor Jonas Henderson. Amy is Kanes new wife. She is a religious woman, a pacifist Quaker, who chose this lifestyle in response to having†¦show more content†¦Amy is a very dynamic character in the movie. She stays moral and true to her beliefs, but how she defines this or how her actions define her is what changes. Amy boards the noon train, bound to leave Kane behind, due to her beliefs, but rushes off the train when she hears the sound of gunfire. Amy chooses her husbands life over her religious beliefs, shooting Pierce from behind. Though she does not lose her emotional viewpoint on killing, she is able to put emotion aside and not let it interfere with what she ultimately realizes as a rational duty to herself and her husband. Another example of a change in the views of the characters in relation to situational factors would be Mayor Jonas Henderson. Jonas is shown as being one of Kane’s closest friends by the fact that he served as the best man at Kane and Amy’s wedding, as well as his own statement of the fact (Krammer amp; Zinnemann, 1952). When Jonas first learns that Frank Miller has been pardoned and will be coming into town in a little over an hour, his concern for his friend is evident. He tells Kane to get out of town â€Å"right now†and with his hand on his shoulder, directs him to the door. His obvious concerns are for Kane if he is in town when Miller arrives. His actions of trying to get Kane to leave town in that moment were driven by a duty to a close friend. The actions of JonasShow MoreRelatedPrayer1304 Words  | 6 Pagesprayer and regular in charity: And whatever good Ye send forth for your souls before you, ye shall find it with Allah: For Allah sees well al l that ye do. (Quran 2:110) Salat, usually translated into English as prayer, is one of the five pillars of Islam. The other four pillars are the Declaration of Faith (Shahadah), charity (Zakah), fasting (Sawm), and the pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj). Salat should be performed five times a day: daybreak (Fajr), noon (Zuhr), mid-afternoon (Asr), sunset (Maghrib)Read MoreThe Wild West Rides Into The Sunset Essay1389 Words  | 6 Pagesgreat possibility that you were reading a classic Western. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Malaysian Airlines - Marketing Planning and Communications Free Sample
Questions: 1. What is meant by the term Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) and the relevance to the Malaysian Airlines plan for a restoration project and their brand?2. What are the main components of the IMC mix and explore how they have been used by Malaysian Airlines, giving consideration to short term and long term promotional strategies?3. How agencies in marketing communications were used by Malaysian Airlines in the restoration? Answers: Introduction to Malaysian Airlines Malaysian Airlines (MAS) was developed from the venture of Imperial Airways and the Ocean Streamship Company of Liverpool. The pioneer company for airlines industry in Malaysia is known as Malaysian Airlines and it had successfully been the major player in international airlines industry on 12th October 1937. The company possesses strong and excellent service records since its formation. It is ranked among 88 contenders that measure the financial viability of an airline. The company has its outstanding and remarkable, high quality services and it focus on strong growth to become the leading multinational companies in airlines industry. It operates with the excellent flying experiences and the services are offered to meet the needs of the consumers. The target market of MAS involves the customers from high end to low end. Thus, this strategy had been successful with the introduction of sales promotion and media sources. Due to higher number of competitors, MAS concentrates to remain competitive. It also has created the strong growth of image and quality in different markets. The mission of the company is to offer the air travel and transport services that deal in terms of safety, comfort and discipline. It focuses on continuously innovate the areas of business and its relevance to reach the motto i.e. Go beyond expectation and it creates sustainable values for its stakeholders to meet the high quality services with respect to its customers. The major objectives of the company are as follows: The major objective is to create the profitable air transport system that could develop the place strategy in the world. It had played an important role in involving the economical and social approach of the nation and it promises to plan as to increase the market penetration with the proper volume of aircraft type and its resources. (Blackburn,, 2000) 1. Integrated marketing communications and the relevance to the Malaysian Airlines plan IMC (integrated marketing communication) is a management strategy that concentrates on strong optimization of values for stakeholders. It is the proper integration of marketing tools and approaches that increases the impacts on the mind of consumer to increase the profits. The major aim is to focus on consistency. IMC is important to create awareness among consumers and generates high amount of sales. Through IMC approaches, the company would be able to provide correct and authentic information to its customers and it will help the company to succeed for long term. (Bennis, 2003) The relevance to the Malaysian Airlines for the restoration project and their brand includes: Corporate logo: The name used by Malaysian Airlines describes the form of quality of services. It also denotes the significance of quality of services. The company has a unique logo that resembles the best characteristics of the company with the blue and red color used in the logo. Brand positioning: The positioning used by Malaysian Airlines develops best services and quality that increases the price. Malaysian Airlines focus on applications that are useful to frequent passengers and also provides updated information via online about booking services. Thus, it becomes convenient and easy for customers to continue with the same brand. The company divides its product into different classes such as first class, business class and economy class. Malaysian Airlines has different segments of target customers such as students, business professionals, high and low income people and many more. It also offers special holidays and benefits for customers in selective choices and packages. (Bartel Saavedra, 2000) The major competitor includes Singapore Airlines and the high intensity impacts the business of Malaysian Airlines. The logo and unique trademark of Malaysian Airlines is its cultural symbol. It is recognizable by people with respect to symbols and is a well known symbol. Brand equity: Malaysian Airlines have to think for new strategies of promotion to maintain the records of customers and their loyalty. Air Asia is the competitive company and people exchange between the prices, quality, services and brands. To increase the brand equity by shifting the customers motivation, it is important to focus on people to fly with them. Malaysian Airlines focused on their strengths to manage the confidence level to consumers. (Cameron Quinn, 2006) 2. Main components of the IMC mix and short term and long term promotional strategies Keeping in view the dynamic environment of todays business, the marketer focus on creating high skills to meet the needs and demands of the customer, it ensures high availability to the customers. Communication is the process through which the messages are transferred to the desired goals. The communication with the target market is called as promotion. Various uses of communication and promotion tools include advertisement, personal selling, sales promotion, marketing (Direct) and public relations to achieve the goals and objectives of the company. (Bryson, 2004) Integrated marketing communications is a major approach that helps the company to integrate with the communication sources such as personal selling, advertisements, sales promotion and direct marketing etc. It helps to deliver the message and transform the volume of sales. Different approaches that lead to integrated marketing communications There are different factors that relate to integrated marketing communications such as: Mass marketing: The strategy of mass marketing concentrates on the consumer needs and it provides one type of product, one strategy of pricing, one promotion program and one distribution. The strategy of mass marketing leads to the increase of new market segment with distinct needs and requirements. Media: Media sources help to create awareness and the advertising is important to develop strong sources of exposure in the market. New technologies: The technologies impact the daily lives and allows creating a strong control over the communication among customers. Global market: With the emergence of technology, the culture also emerges. It is important to understand the promotional strategies and the target market. There is a need to focus on advertisement and other sources to deal with the mass media. Digital media and approaches: With digital media, consumers have special control over the information and network. It helps to deal with major options of innovation. There were high visibility among consumers with social media approaches and Malaysian Airlines were successful to spread awareness among consumers. The Company also focused on developing strong chances of success with social media. (Bridges, 2003) IMC tools also offers proper planning to execute the programs and to maintain the long term relationships with the customers. This helps to generate strong loyalty. Competitive advantage: The major tools of organization are useful as competitive advantage. It is the skill that allows superior values to the consumers and it focuses on single and the most powerful brand equity. Brand equity: IMC strategies are vital to the strategic brand management as it increases the strategy of the organization and also measures the brand image of various offerings. Online advertisement: It is the most powerful tool of IMC that develops online advertisement as people spend most of their times online and with the strong versatility of internet, it is important to gain the target market. Online campaign and advertisements will allow new skills to reach the target market, to develop the relevance and to increase the efficiency of ROI. (Chisholm, 2008) Market positioning: The positioning is an important factor that supports the relevant and innovative efforts of marketing. It is due to the fact that consumer habits are diverse and lead to strong IMC budgets. Direct marketing: This is the most effective and efficient way to deal with the target market and changing needs of consumers and to remain successful, direct marketing is helpful for targeting. Its success is based upon the skills to determine the right audience and to design the direct marketing campaign to achieve the goal. Advertising: The advertising is segmented into TV commercial advertising and it leads to major goals and objectives with the help of advertising. Sales promotion: It provides a tangible and value added strategy to motivate the consumers. There are two types of sales promotions called as the consumer as well as the trade promotions. With respect to the sales promotions, there is a need to implement consumer promotions. (Chandy Linn, 2011) IMC approaches focused by Malaysian Airlines with respect to branding for long term: Television and newspapers, magazines and newspapers and other sources are known well to increase the methods of advertisement. MAS also have been developed these steps to promote the information and offers. Newspapers and magazines and travel magazines, TV ads and commercials will be strongly focused by local channels. (Mohrman, 2002) MAS should also develop the location that could attract major number of customers is known as railway station and bus stations etc. These locations are the destination where huge number of people boards their transportation. Thus, the company attains success with huge attention and appears in the mind of the customers. (Chisholm, 2008) Trade offers and buying allowances: The Company has mixed travel agencies to buy and sell the tickets that are convenient to customers. Advertisement allowances: MAS focus on newspaper and magazines or billboards to help the consumer learn and know the latest price rates for the air tickets. Online booking: MAS ensures that their service will be the best and it designs the online booking system that helps the consumer to deal with the booking and it is convenient. Lower price rates: The Company also offers low price rates to motivate the people to travel. Marketing oriented public relations: With respect to promotion and advertisements, the public relations play a greater role to spread the information to the consumers through magazines, news channels, online commercials etc. Online advertisements develop the consumers in providing them with huge information. There are clear idea and image of the company that creates best services to consumers and MAS deals with them through the options of emailing. (Cummings Worley, 2001) Short term market strategies Short term market strategies mainly consider the four Ps of business such as product, place, price and promotion that are important for the business. These features attain the business to achieve the future plans and actions of the business and help the business to improve on many things such as whether to introduce the new product in the market or not etc. In case of Malaysian Airlines, the short term market strategies help to ensure the maximum sales and it becomes possible to achieve success for the restoration project of Malaysian Airlines. (Dannemiller, 2000) Short term promotional plans help to increase the momentum of sales and it could be gained with offers discounts, advertising, etc. Malaysian Airlines believe on providing RM1 for flight tickets to offer luxury services to its customers and it ensures that it offers its customers the convenience and high comfort. The important facility of internet booking also helps the customers to increase the best travel experiences. With internet booking, the company provides discounts and offers to the repeated customers. Long term market strategies The long term market promotional strategies include majority of internet and the information is available broadly through the presence of internet. It helps to understand the customers and to generate the long term quality. Malaysian Airlines engages in more promotional events to develop awareness and to offer a comfortable journey. It also generated the program known as frequent flyer programs to attract the potential customers. This way, the company promoted its website and emphasized hospitality. (Davis, 2001) 3. Agencies in marketing communications used by Malaysian Airlines in the restoration Malaysian Airlines focused on strong promotion techniques with respect to the PR agencies to deal with the communications. Thus, there was huge pressure in the minds of agencies. The social communication channels and advertising, sales promotion and other digital media supports promoting the company and increase high level of profitability in the restoration. With restoration activity, the company concentrated on business strategy with two elements such as to focus on premium segment and to compete in the market. (Dubois Rothwell, 2004) With respect to advertisements and social media campaigns, the company developed the branded experience for customers and changed the experience for customers. This way, it also recognized the importance of branding and positioning and achieved huge success for the company. Marketing and advertisement campaigns successfully developed to meet the success and to engage the customers with the transformation of proper message conveyed to them. Malaysian Airlines was in a unique position with the help of PR and marketing efforts to deal with the environment. To achieve the long term corporate image and the growth of the company, the company needed to re-enter the communications and campaigns that is also known as a long term strategy for customers. (Galbraith,, 2002) Thus for the restoration strategy, the company will focus on rebranding strategies and this way, it will differentiate the characteristics and attributes to the product or service. It will also be able to communicate the values and promises with respect to the branding and unique as well as corporate logo design. Strong and corporate brands are authentic and emotive. Thus, Malaysian Airlines will understand the perceptions of consumers and increase its strategy on rebranding. This way, it will be able to help people achieve the best thing and the company will also be able to perform with the same identity. This will also help the company to re-communicate with its customers. With corporate structure and activities of promotion, Malaysian Airlines will deal with the structural activities and it will also support the important ways of advertising. It will encompass issues associated with the female empowerment, gender, age and other issues of organizational structure. (Kohl and Ngozi, 2005) Thus, Malaysian Airlines took the help of advertising agencies to rebrand its strategy and to increase the awareness among consumers and develop the positive image in the minds of consumers. It will be able to develop the understanding and create the fast culture. The company has thus communicated with the customers and families through major activities and sources of communication channels and social media. It also generated strong amount of face book users for restoration. This way, the company generated strong social media networks and abilities. It also developed the innovative and creative approaches and it also generated creativity and it also ensures other zones of comfort and other issues to deal with the challenges. (Kotter, 2002) Corporate brands have to deal with identity and proper personality with respect to the employees, activities and products and services and customers with respect to the organization. The brand is more than a logo and strong corporate brands are reliable and authentic with respect to the market changes. It also deals with the development and it initiates with respect to the company and its target with respect to the perceptions of customer. (Lakoff, 2002) The MAS brand has been developed with respect to the strong amount of national identity and pride. It develops clear message among people and processes that is important. This is driven by social media and advertising. This way, Malaysian Airlines focused on strong advertising and branding agencies. Through this approach, it would be able to involve the professionalism and emotion and focused on creativity with respective to deal with culture. (McCoy,, 2002) Conclusion To conclude, marketing communications deal with proper business and communications. The Malaysian Airlines focused on different branding and cultures with respect to the communication and other strategies. References Bartel,C.A. Saavedra, R. 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Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Philosophy Of Medicine Essays - Anthropology Of Religion, Epilepsy
Philosophy Of Medicine The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down By Anne Fadiman Deepa Parikh April 27,0000 Professor Tauber PH273 The book, the Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down by Anne Fadiman is an objective look into the world of two different cultures and their belief systems. The viewpoints of the Hmong and of the American doctors represent Hmong culture and the root of Western medicine. The book takes into account how two cultures, rather, two completely opposite worlds are ?collided? and their impact on each other (Fadiman 1997). The book uncovers the underlying meaning of how different Western medicine can be from different cultures and its challenges and consequences. In addition, Fadiman questions the very basics of philosophy by taking into account the simple metaphysics and moral ethics that face Lia's doctors and parents and what role society plays. The book questions the belief system of Western medicine as well as the Hmong beliefs and cultural practices. Fadiman encourages us to think of the root of Western culture and medicine as well as learning about the Hmong's beliefs. Which is more rele vant? When a patient is in a life or death situation, whose opinion and expertise on medicine holds higher ground? In the case of Lia Lee, this was the problem. Why was Hmong culture and practice irrelevant in the eyes of the many doctors and nurses that cared for Lia? Reading this book, it is obvious to see the philosophy of western medicine versus the Hmong culture. This book helps clearly define western culture and its biomedical system by contrasting it to the Hmong's. The book, more than anything, else analyzes the epistemological, metaphysical, and moral viewpoints of both western medicine and that of the Hmong culture and questions their validity and effectiveness. Epistemology is the theory of knowledge(Tauber). In this book, the theory of knowledge can be posed by one question. How did Lea get sick? This question leads to two different viewpoints ? Western medicine and culture and the Hmong. The root of Western medicine is biomedicine. What makes biomedicine unique and sets it apart from other cultures is the idea that there is only one answer and one truth behind that. Simply stated, it is a matter of facts and the question of what, not how(Tauber). This is the primary difference between Hmong culture and Western medicine. In the book, Lia's doctors wanted to know the one problem that was causing Lia to have severe seizures. They neglected to ask how Lia got sick. The view of Lia's parents was the complete opposite. They wanted to know how Lia got sick and if this meant Lia was blessed with a gift and would become a ?txiv neeb(Fadiman).? To understand the epistemological perspective of the Hmong, we must first take into account their cultural identity and how they practiced it. The Hmong were adamant in their belief system and were wary of the doctors in Merced in there care of Lia. Under their care, they believed; Lia would have been healed. The Hmong cultures to cure an illness, in Lia's case the quag dab peg, there were animal sacrifices made. Lia's parents say that Lia's soul had left her when her sister had unintentionally slammed the door. This rationalization that the door frightened Lia and was the cause of the series of medical problems she would face, is an example of the epistemological view of Lia's parents. It was interesting to read in the book, as Faddiman recounts, the way the doctors treated Lia's parents. Because of the cultural barrier, communication problems pertained to everything from signing a document to administration of medication for Lia. Because of the cultural barrier, there were problems of moral ethics as well. Did the doctors ever take into account the parents wishes for their child? Lia's parents believed that the only medication they were willing to give Lia would be the kind that would be fast and preferably in a pill. The Hmong culture is against shots and blood being taken in large quantities as well as anything that could affect the dab and cause evil spirits to enter her soul(Fadiman). Epistemologically speaking, the doctors had a completely different viewpoint of what happened to Lia
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Andrew Jackson Essays (1854 words) - United States,
Andrew Jackson Like any hall of fame, its inductees are the best in whatever they do, from baseball or football to something like being President. If you are a member of any hall of fame (including the one for the Presidents), it means that you have done something special or have a certain quality about yourself that makes you worthy to be in a hall of fame. My nominee for the Presidents hall of Fame is our seventh President of the United States, Andrew Jackson. I'll go over his presidency, focusing on both the highs and the lows of his two terms in office, from 1829-1837. The issues that I'll focus on are states' rights, nullification, the tariff, the spoils system, Indian removal and banking policies; these controversies brought forth strong rivalry over his years of president. He was known for his iron will and fiery personality, and strong use of the powers of his office that made his years of presidency to be known as the "Age of Jackson." Andrew Jackson was born on March 15, 1767, in a settl ement on the border of North and South Carolina. He was orphaned at age 14. After studying law and becoming a member of the Bar in North Carolina later he moved to Nashville Tennessee. Their he became a member of a powerful political faction led by William Blount. He was married in 1791 to Rachel Donelson Robards, and later remarried to him due to a legal mistake in her prior divorce in 1794. Jackson served as delegate to Tenn. in the 1796 Constitutional convention and a congressman for a year (from 1796-97). He was elected senator in 1797, but financial problems forced him to resign and return to Tennessee in less than a year. Later he served as a Tennessee superior court judge for six years starting in 1798. In 1804 he retired from the bench and moved to Nashville and devoted time to business ventures and his plantation. At this time his political career looked over. In 1814 Jackson was a Major General in the Tennessee Militia, here he was ordered to march against the Creek In dians (who were pro-British in the war of 1812). His goal was achieved at Horseshoe Bend in March of 1814. Eventually he forced All Indians from the area. His victory's impressed some people in Washington and Jackson was put in command of the defense of New Orleans. This show of American strength made Americans feel proud after a war filled with military defeats. Jackson was given the nickname "Old Hickory", and was treated as a national hero. In 1817 he was ordered against the Seminole Indians. He pushed them back into Spanish Florida and executed two British subjects. Jackson instead that his actions were with approval of the Monroe administration. His actions helped to acquire the Florida territory, and he became a provisional governor of Florida that same year. In 1822 the Tennessee Legislature nominated him for president and the following year he was elected the U.S. senate. He also nearly won the presidential campaign of 1824 however as a result of the "corrupt bargain" wi th Henry Clay. Over the next four years the current administration built a strong political machine with nationalistic policies and a lack of concern of states rights. In 1828 through a campaign filled with mud slinging on both sides, Andrew Jackson became the seventh President to the United States. Instead of the normal cabinet made up by the president, he relied more on an informal group of newspaper writers and northern politicians who had worked for his election. I believe that this made him more in contact with the people of the United States, more in contact with the public opinion and feelings toward national issues President Jackson developed the system of "rotation in office." This was used to protect the American people from a development of a long-standing political group by removing long-term office holders. His enemies accused him of corruption of civil service for political reasons. However, I think that it was used to insure loyalty of the people in his administr ation. States rights played an important part in Jackson's policy's as president. In the case of the
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Synonyms for Petit, Small, and Short in French
Synonyms for Petit, Small, and Short in French If you want to learn to speak French more skillfully, start with vocabulary. In French classes, you tend to learn the most common, basic terms. The adjective petit is one example of a very common French word that can be replaced by any number of synonyms. Learn some different ways to say small and short, and note the different nuances. Click on each word to hear it pronounced. Small or Short in French Petit means small or short, depending on how its used and the words that are used with it. Jai besoin dun petit carton.I need a small box. Elle est assez petite.She is fairly short. Petit can also be modified by tout to emphasize the smallness: Il y a un tout petit problà ¨me.Theres a tiny problem. Synonyms for Petit Court means short or brief. Vous devriez à ©crire une introduction courte.You should write a short introduction. Il a la mà ©moire courte.He has a short memory. Étriquà © means narrow or tight. Cà ©tait une victoire à ©triquà ©e.It was a narrow victory. Ton pantalon a lair dà ªtre assez à ©triquà ©.Your pants look pretty tight. Faible means weak or small. Nous navons quune faible quantità © de rà ©serves.We have only a few supplies. Fin means fine or thin. Jaimerais une fine tranche de gà ¢teau.Id like a thin slice of cake. Infime means tiny or miniscule. Il a gagnà © dune majorità © infime.He won by a tiny majority. Là ©ger means light, slight, or minor. Cest une blessure là ©gà ¨re.Its a minor wound. Maigre means meager or slight. ï » ¿Son revenu maigre nest pas suffisant.His meager income is insufficient. Microscopique means microscopic. Les microbes sont microscopiques.Germs are microscopic. Mince means thin, meager, or slender. Nous avons une mince chance de succà ¨s.We have a slender chance of success. Minuscule means miniscule or tiny. Je dà ©teste ces minuscules fenà ªtres dans les salles de bains.I hate those minuscule windows in bathrooms. Modeste means small or modest. Cest un appartement modeste.Its a modest apartment. Nà ©gligeable means negligible or trivial. Jignore les dà ©tails nà ©gligeables.I dont know about the trivial details. Peu is an adverb that means little or not much. Elle parle peu.She speaks little (she doesnt talk very much). Rà ©duit means small. Un nombre rà ©duit de nos à ©tudiants.A small number of our students.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Offer and acceptance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Offer and acceptance - Essay Example Any person who feels that the partner has failed to honor a promise can always seek a legal compensation for the breach. For a contract to occur, there must be other preludes that come in the first place, a contract can only be construed following successful offer advanced by the offeror to the offeree and the offeree responds by agreeing with the terms set by the offeror. The offers made by the offeror to the offeree in most cases are time bound and without communication from the offeree within the specified time, the offeror may consider the offer not considered by the intended person (Elliott, and Frances, 1999). The other important factor in contracts is the mode of communication, if it is determined by the offeror to the offeree, then he/she is bound to use the same means of communication when accepting the offer. If the stated means is not used, then the offeree may not claim breach of contract by the offeror incase there is no response. To understand the formation of a contrac t in commercial law, it is important that we understand into details the components of what makes a contract enforceable legally. In this reference, we are going to look into details what constitutes an offer and acceptance in the formation of a contract, the distinguishing factor between an offer and invitation to treat with reference to presence or absence of an offer to warrant acceptance communication. Offer It is normally made by the offeror to the offeree, it stipulates the terms of the contract and in this sense, the recipient who is the offeree should examine all the factors relating to the terms of the offer and make a judgment to accept or not (Emerson, 2004). Once the offerer has made the acceptance, the contract becomes legally binding. This states that any breach of the terms from the either parties can be determined in the court of law for compensation. Offer can be made orally, faxed, emailed, or written and sometimes the offeror may insist on specific means of commun ication to be used by the offeror when making return communication. This must be adhered to and in the case of non-compliance and the offeree uses another means, contract is said not to have occurred (Emerson, 2004). Invitation to treat is sometimes confused for offer; it simply denotes the willingness of an individual to negotiate a contract with an interested party. Circumstances under which invitation to treat are considered includes, auctions, exhibitions, window displays, and advertisements (Keenan, Denis, and Sarah, 2007). They do not form part of a contract since they are not considered as offer. After the communication of an offer to the intended recipient, the offeree is expected to internalize the offer before making acceptance. The offer should be accepted by the offeree as it reads and any alteration on the offer will be considered counter attack on the offer and kills the spirit of the offer in culminating into a contract. If the offeree considers any change of the term s as communicated by the offeror, they should make up for an add which along with the unaltered initial offer should be communicated to the offeror for consideration (Keenan, Denis, and Sarah, 2007). It is important to note that the communication of the offer can be revoked before the offeree makes the acceptance. This communication will have to be addressed to the offeree individually
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