Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Andrew Jackson Essays (1854 words) - United States,
Andrew Jackson Like any hall of fame, its inductees are the best in whatever they do, from baseball or football to something like being President. If you are a member of any hall of fame (including the one for the Presidents), it means that you have done something special or have a certain quality about yourself that makes you worthy to be in a hall of fame. My nominee for the Presidents hall of Fame is our seventh President of the United States, Andrew Jackson. I'll go over his presidency, focusing on both the highs and the lows of his two terms in office, from 1829-1837. The issues that I'll focus on are states' rights, nullification, the tariff, the spoils system, Indian removal and banking policies; these controversies brought forth strong rivalry over his years of president. He was known for his iron will and fiery personality, and strong use of the powers of his office that made his years of presidency to be known as the "Age of Jackson." Andrew Jackson was born on March 15, 1767, in a settl ement on the border of North and South Carolina. He was orphaned at age 14. After studying law and becoming a member of the Bar in North Carolina later he moved to Nashville Tennessee. Their he became a member of a powerful political faction led by William Blount. He was married in 1791 to Rachel Donelson Robards, and later remarried to him due to a legal mistake in her prior divorce in 1794. Jackson served as delegate to Tenn. in the 1796 Constitutional convention and a congressman for a year (from 1796-97). He was elected senator in 1797, but financial problems forced him to resign and return to Tennessee in less than a year. Later he served as a Tennessee superior court judge for six years starting in 1798. In 1804 he retired from the bench and moved to Nashville and devoted time to business ventures and his plantation. At this time his political career looked over. In 1814 Jackson was a Major General in the Tennessee Militia, here he was ordered to march against the Creek In dians (who were pro-British in the war of 1812). His goal was achieved at Horseshoe Bend in March of 1814. Eventually he forced All Indians from the area. His victory's impressed some people in Washington and Jackson was put in command of the defense of New Orleans. This show of American strength made Americans feel proud after a war filled with military defeats. Jackson was given the nickname "Old Hickory", and was treated as a national hero. In 1817 he was ordered against the Seminole Indians. He pushed them back into Spanish Florida and executed two British subjects. Jackson instead that his actions were with approval of the Monroe administration. His actions helped to acquire the Florida territory, and he became a provisional governor of Florida that same year. In 1822 the Tennessee Legislature nominated him for president and the following year he was elected the U.S. senate. He also nearly won the presidential campaign of 1824 however as a result of the "corrupt bargain" wi th Henry Clay. Over the next four years the current administration built a strong political machine with nationalistic policies and a lack of concern of states rights. In 1828 through a campaign filled with mud slinging on both sides, Andrew Jackson became the seventh President to the United States. Instead of the normal cabinet made up by the president, he relied more on an informal group of newspaper writers and northern politicians who had worked for his election. I believe that this made him more in contact with the people of the United States, more in contact with the public opinion and feelings toward national issues President Jackson developed the system of "rotation in office." This was used to protect the American people from a development of a long-standing political group by removing long-term office holders. His enemies accused him of corruption of civil service for political reasons. However, I think that it was used to insure loyalty of the people in his administr ation. States rights played an important part in Jackson's policy's as president. In the case of the
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Synonyms for Petit, Small, and Short in French
Synonyms for Petit, Small, and Short in French If you want to learn to speak French more skillfully, start with vocabulary. In French classes, you tend to learn the most common, basic terms. The adjective petit is one example of a very common French word that can be replaced by any number of synonyms. Learn some different ways to say small and short, and note the different nuances. Click on each word to hear it pronounced. Small or Short in French Petit means small or short, depending on how its used and the words that are used with it. Jai besoin dun petit carton.I need a small box. Elle est assez petite.She is fairly short. Petit can also be modified by tout to emphasize the smallness: Il y a un tout petit problà ¨me.Theres a tiny problem. Synonyms for Petit Court means short or brief. Vous devriez à ©crire une introduction courte.You should write a short introduction. Il a la mà ©moire courte.He has a short memory. Étriquà © means narrow or tight. Cà ©tait une victoire à ©triquà ©e.It was a narrow victory. Ton pantalon a lair dà ªtre assez à ©triquà ©.Your pants look pretty tight. Faible means weak or small. Nous navons quune faible quantità © de rà ©serves.We have only a few supplies. Fin means fine or thin. Jaimerais une fine tranche de gà ¢teau.Id like a thin slice of cake. Infime means tiny or miniscule. Il a gagnà © dune majorità © infime.He won by a tiny majority. Là ©ger means light, slight, or minor. Cest une blessure là ©gà ¨re.Its a minor wound. Maigre means meager or slight. ï » ¿Son revenu maigre nest pas suffisant.His meager income is insufficient. Microscopique means microscopic. Les microbes sont microscopiques.Germs are microscopic. Mince means thin, meager, or slender. Nous avons une mince chance de succà ¨s.We have a slender chance of success. Minuscule means miniscule or tiny. Je dà ©teste ces minuscules fenà ªtres dans les salles de bains.I hate those minuscule windows in bathrooms. Modeste means small or modest. Cest un appartement modeste.Its a modest apartment. Nà ©gligeable means negligible or trivial. Jignore les dà ©tails nà ©gligeables.I dont know about the trivial details. Peu is an adverb that means little or not much. Elle parle peu.She speaks little (she doesnt talk very much). Rà ©duit means small. Un nombre rà ©duit de nos à ©tudiants.A small number of our students.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Offer and acceptance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Offer and acceptance - Essay Example Any person who feels that the partner has failed to honor a promise can always seek a legal compensation for the breach. For a contract to occur, there must be other preludes that come in the first place, a contract can only be construed following successful offer advanced by the offeror to the offeree and the offeree responds by agreeing with the terms set by the offeror. The offers made by the offeror to the offeree in most cases are time bound and without communication from the offeree within the specified time, the offeror may consider the offer not considered by the intended person (Elliott, and Frances, 1999). The other important factor in contracts is the mode of communication, if it is determined by the offeror to the offeree, then he/she is bound to use the same means of communication when accepting the offer. If the stated means is not used, then the offeree may not claim breach of contract by the offeror incase there is no response. To understand the formation of a contrac t in commercial law, it is important that we understand into details the components of what makes a contract enforceable legally. In this reference, we are going to look into details what constitutes an offer and acceptance in the formation of a contract, the distinguishing factor between an offer and invitation to treat with reference to presence or absence of an offer to warrant acceptance communication. Offer It is normally made by the offeror to the offeree, it stipulates the terms of the contract and in this sense, the recipient who is the offeree should examine all the factors relating to the terms of the offer and make a judgment to accept or not (Emerson, 2004). Once the offerer has made the acceptance, the contract becomes legally binding. This states that any breach of the terms from the either parties can be determined in the court of law for compensation. Offer can be made orally, faxed, emailed, or written and sometimes the offeror may insist on specific means of commun ication to be used by the offeror when making return communication. This must be adhered to and in the case of non-compliance and the offeree uses another means, contract is said not to have occurred (Emerson, 2004). Invitation to treat is sometimes confused for offer; it simply denotes the willingness of an individual to negotiate a contract with an interested party. Circumstances under which invitation to treat are considered includes, auctions, exhibitions, window displays, and advertisements (Keenan, Denis, and Sarah, 2007). They do not form part of a contract since they are not considered as offer. After the communication of an offer to the intended recipient, the offeree is expected to internalize the offer before making acceptance. The offer should be accepted by the offeree as it reads and any alteration on the offer will be considered counter attack on the offer and kills the spirit of the offer in culminating into a contract. If the offeree considers any change of the term s as communicated by the offeror, they should make up for an add which along with the unaltered initial offer should be communicated to the offeror for consideration (Keenan, Denis, and Sarah, 2007). It is important to note that the communication of the offer can be revoked before the offeree makes the acceptance. This communication will have to be addressed to the offeree individually
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