Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Family System - 1001 Words
There is great controversy over the meaning of â€Å"normal†and â€Å"healthy†when it comes to development and family systems. Heathly and normal can be a matter of perspective and culture. Research has provided the understanding that what happens to a child during the developmental phases of life affect them conscious and unconsciously; with the most effect coming from within the family system. Roehlkepartain reports that spiritual development is an essential aspect that can either be a catalyst towards their spirituality or pull the child away from it. In relation to the materials this week the information I feel is not clearly defined as to what is normal and healthy. Parenting styles were covered in the text this week and the research†¦show more content†¦Children that are a high quality childcare have several developmental advantages. These children tend to be more â€Å"self-confident, independent and knowledgeable about the social world in which they live then those that do not participate†(Feldman, 2014,p. 232). The downside to child care outside the home is that these children are â€Å"less-polite, less compliant,m less respectful of adults, and sometimes more competeitive and aggressive than their peers that stay at home with a parent†(Feldman, 2014.p. 232). It is important within the family system that they are aware of the negative behaviors that are associated with day care and to teach their children that those behaviors are unacceptable and how to properly behave in all settings in life. Based upon the materials I have discussed I believe that one can discern a healthy family system based on the reaction, action and mental process of the child within the family. We have learned that children being exposed to parenting that is not condusive affects the child in ways that causes them to act out and affect their social skills. Spiritual development here can be greatly influenced within the family system if the support and show of a lack of relationship with God is not presented to the children from their parents. My basis for this statement is based on a couple of scriptures. Proverbs 29:15 The rod and reproof give wisdom, but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother amp; Deuteronomy 6:7 You shall teachShow MoreRelatedFamily Systems And The Family System1599 Words  | 7 PagesThe family system consists of subsystems, known as the group of individuals who contribute various functions to form a complex and unitary whole. To understand the family, we must ana lyze them whole and not individual. The whole is distinctly diverse from the simple sum of the contributions of individual members. 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The Family Systems Theory views family as an emotional unit and individuals cannot be understood by themselves; they are understood better as a family as a whole (Hammond, Cheney, Pearsey). This theory views divorce as a negative thing that also has negative consequences. A family will fall apart if it is not made up of all of the typical members of a family (i.e. fatherRead MoreFamily Systems Theory And Function Within The Family System Essay967 Words  | 4 PagesFamily is a very complex term that can be defined in many ways. A family can be simply defined as a group of people who are related to each other and live together in the same household. According to the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (2004, p. 5), a family is defined as two or more persons who share resources, share responsibility for decisions, share values and goals, and have a commitment to one another over time. The two definitions that were presented clarified the vastRead MoreFamily And The Family System Theory1179 Words  | 5 Pagesanalyze this Family is with the Family system theory. This theory states that the family functions as a system Within this system are rules, power structures and different patterns of communication. In this theory the family is seen as a whole rather than as its individual parts. We also assume that the family functions off of circular causality and redundancy principle plays a role in the family rules. The concepts that I am going to use to describe this family will include; family cohesion, communicationRead MoreQuestions On Family Systems : Family System2963 Words  | 12 PagesBridggette Hambrick: Family Systems 1 Bridggette Hambrick: Family Systems 5 Family Systems Bridggette Hambrick HR5423-102 December 18, 2016 OU Advanced Programs Abstract Exploring the different systems theories was especially informative for a person going into the field of counseling. These scenarios help to explain how the theories can be used which will be very helpful. Each theory explains how counseling strategies help people by letting them help themselves. In the paperRead MoreThe Origin Of Family Systems1527 Words  | 7 PagesTHE ORIGIN OF FAMILY SYSTEMS It is widely believed that family systems in one form or the other, though varying hugely from the forms of family we are accustomed to today, have existed since time immemorial, maybe right from the time Homo sapiens first appeared on the face of the earth. The formation of families regulated the sexual behaviour of its members and ensured that sexual jealousy of the primates remained under tabs. It also led to a form of division of labour where the roles of the membersRead MoreFamily Systems Theory : The Family System Theory976 Words  | 4 Pages Family Systems Theory Columbia College Katie Jasper Mrs. Terri Carter Abstract The attached paper is an overview of The Family Systems Theory. Which is based on the work and research of Dr. Bowen. This is an significant theoretical approach within group counseling and therapy. It focuses on the role and impact of the person s original family to identify negative patterns. Evidence is used within the paper to showcase the appropriate usage and applicationRead MoreFamily Systems Essays1286 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿ Family Systems and Healthy Development Liberty University Family Systems and Healthy Development In today’s world, families are dynamic and interdependent systems. The developmental processes of the children in the family are deeply affected by how the family system operates. However, a family’s structure does not determine whether it is a healthy family system or not. Today, families consist of single parents, stepparents, divorced parents, remarried parents, grandparents
Friday, May 15, 2020
In Abraham Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address, President...
In Abraham Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address, President Lincoln addresses a divided nation. Both the Union and the Confederacy are bitter to each other towards the end of the war. However, Lincoln calls both the north and the south to set aside their issues that divided them in order to heal their broken nation. Lincoln uses a slew of rhetorical methods in his speech such as tone, diction, and syntax to further assist him in achieving his purpose of uniting the nation. Lincoln’s optimistic tone encourages all Americans to put behind them the Civil War and progress forward as a united nation once more. President Lincoln calls to action all the peoples of America with sentences such as, â€Å"let us strive on to finish the work we are in†and†¦show more content†¦A pathway of reconciliation and healing is what President Lincoln wishes for the country. Lincoln also personifies the nation as having â€Å"wounds†which the American people must now bin d up in order to heal and save the nation from death. The phrase, â€Å"bind up†invokes the emotion of healing not only the personal wounds suffered by the American people because of the war, but also the wounds of the nation as a whole. After the nations wounds have been bound, then â€Å"lasting peace†will follow, as with the unity of the nation. President Lincoln also reminds the people of their similarities and focuses on their same religious belief and God by stating, â€Å"Both read the same Bible and pray to the same God†. In doing this Lincoln emphasizes the similarities of both the north and south in order to reunite them after the Civil War crisis. Lincoln’s speech also contains a balanced syntax to highlight the idea of a united and balanced nation by using a combination of long and shot sentences in his speech. An example of a long sentence would be one like, â€Å"While the Inaugural Address was being delivered from this place, devoted al together to saving the Union without war, insurgent agents were in the city seeking to destroy it without war, seeking to dissolve the Union and divide effects by negotiation†, and an example of a short sentence would be one like the following: â€Å"All dreaded it, all sought to avert it.†TheShow MoreRelatedThe Assassination Of Abe Lincoln2130 Words  | 9 PagesAn Analysis Over the Assassination of Abe Lincoln â€Å"Four score and seven years ago...†Abraham Lincoln was our 16th president and had his life taken after the North’s victory over the South; he lives on through these famous words of the Gettysburg Address. Abraham Lincoln was an important leader in the Civil War who helped free the slaves; his legacy lives on today. Although he was assassinated his words and actions are imprinted in our memory still today. This assassination was a major event inRead MoreYoshimoto Banana And Abe K ≈à ¥ B ≈à ¥ Essay1211 Words  | 5 Pages Yoshimoto Banana and Abe KÃ… bÃ… are two contemporary Japanese writer stories of modern and post-modern Japan based on their experience and their sociological point of view. Yoshimoto Banana is a Japanese author who is successful and have popularity worldwide in her stories and novels with unpredictable action and characters. She is a well known Japanese author, who grow up in the 90’s with a background of pop-culture. Most of her books have a nice, simple and smooth story line. In her six’s storiesRead MoreAbe Lincoln Research Paper1734 Words  | 7 Pagesslavery. As one of the most well-known Americans the majority of Americans are aware that Abe Lincoln was born on February 12th, 1809. He was born in Hodgenville, Kentucky. Also, some facts people may not know are his parents, Thomas Lincoln, his father, was a respected figure in their community and was a strong and determined pioneer; and Nancy Hanks Lincoln, his mother, loving and caring, she taught Abe well. Lincoln was not an only child, he had a sister named Sarah and a brother named ThomasRead MoreAbraham Lincoln : Honest Abe1422 Words  | 6 Pagescitizen. Unfortunately, shortly after the battle, John Wilkes Booth assassinated him. The beliefs and morals he had formed throughout his lifetime resulting in his actions that gave him the nickname Honest Abe. Abraham Lincoln’s actions he has taken has proven him to be deserving of the nickname Honest Abe. Which is good for us because the world would be a very different place if he did not take the iconic actions he did during his presidency. The period we will be discussing is from the year 1858 to 1865Read MoreThe Rise of Abe Saperstein and the Harlem Globetrotters1393 Words  | 6 PagesAbe Saperstein: An Unconventional Champion of Civil Rights In 1924 a young Jewish man named Abe Saperstein was chosen to coach an African American semi pro basketball team called the Giles Post American Legion Quintet. Little did he know that with this position he would eventually revolutionize the game of basketball and help to initiate integration throughout the country, while establishing himself as an unknown and unconventional hero. Saperstein was a masterful promoter and businessman whoRead MoreAbe Lincoln and Slavery Essay example659 Words  | 3 PagesAbraham was born a poor farmhand boy in Kentucky, but he moved from small cabins in Kentucky, Indiana, and finally settled in Illinois. He was a farmhand for his father in these states and didnt have much exposure to slavery, although, these states did have black/slave laws. Lincoln got his first dose of slavery at the age of eighteen when he was hired to take a flatboat down to New Orleans. I quote from Lincoln: A Photobiography Lincoln would never forget the site of black men, w omen, and childrenRead More Abe Lincoln and Slavery Essay631 Words  | 3 Pages Abraham was born a poor farmhand boy in Kentucky, but he moved from small cabins in Kentucky, Indiana, and finally settled in Illinois. He was a farmhand for his father in these states and didn’t have much exposure to slavery, although, these states did have black/slave laws. Lincoln got his first dose of slavery at the age of eighteen when he was hired to take a flatboat down to New Orleans. I quote from Lincoln: A Photobiography â€Å"Lincoln would never forget the site of black men, women, and childrenRead MoreOrganic Extraction Distillation Process With Abe Extraction1521 Words  | 7 Pagessuch as low butanol yield and by-product formation (acetone and ethanol). The low productivities and butanol yields of ABE batch fermentation can be increased by continuous fermentation with cell recycle and integrated product removal. In order to facilitate an effective and energy-efficient produc t removal, we suggest to apply a hybrid extraction-distillation process with ABE extraction in an external column. INTRODUCTION Butanol (ethyl alcohol) is a four-carbon alcohol which hasRead MoreThe Humble President After Honest Abe2098 Words  | 9 PagesThe Humble President after Honest Abe Not all presidencies can have historic events of Washington or Jefferson. Some presidencies are consumed with political infighting or fractionation. President Ulysses Grant was born April 27, 1822 in Point Pleasant, Ohio. He graduated from US Military Academy at West Point in New York. He served from 1846 through 1854 when he quit the Army. He quit to spend time with his wife and four children. In 1860 Grant began to organize soldiers for the Union. In 1861Read More Similarities Between Dick Diver and Abe North in Tender is the Night1951 Words  | 8 PagesSimilarities Between Dick Diver and Abe North in Tender is the Night      Dick Diver and Abe North are characters in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, Tender is the Night. As presented in the beginning of the novel, Dick Diver and Abe North did not seem to have much in common. As the character of Dick Diver developed, the reader found the characters to be parallel to each other. There were numerous unexpected similarities as the novel progressed. The presentation of Abe Norths character â€Å"served as
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Primary Factors Of Visceral Fat Deposition And...
It has also previously been proposed that other primary factors may affect both visceral fat deposition and cardiometabolic outcomes. For instance, excess visceral adiposity could be the consequence of an activated hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis leading to an increased control of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism by glucocorticoids.74 Because visceral adipocytes have more glucocorticoid receptors than subcutaneous adipose cells, such an activated hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis may promote preferential fat deposition in the visceral adipose depot while at the same time inducing insulin resistance in the liver and in the skeletal muscle.74 Other possibly important key players are gonadal steroids. Indeed, very informative†¦show more content†¦There is less controversy concerning the effects of fructose on components of metabolic syndrome; consumption of fructose has been shown to increase visceral adipose deposition and de novo lipogenesis (DNL), produce dyslipidemia, and decrease insulin sensitivity in older, overweight/obese subjects. 83,84 Bray and his colleagues study the relation between the intake of high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and the development of obesity. They analyzed food consumption patterns by using US Department of Agriculture food consumption tables from 1967 to 2000. The consumption of HFCS increased 1000% between 1970 and 1990, far exceeding the changes in intake of any other food or food group. HFCS now represents 40% of caloric sweeteners added to foods and beverages and is the sole caloric sweetener in soft drinks in the United States. Their estimation of the consumption of HFCS ind icates a daily average of 132 kcal for all Americans aged ≠¥ 2 y, and the top 20% of consumers of caloric sweeteners ingest 316 kcal from HFCS/d. The increased use of HFCS in the United States mirrors the rapid increase in obesity. The digestion, absorption, and metabolism of fructose differ from those of glucose. Hepatic metabolism of fructose favors de novo lipogenesis. In addition, unlike glucose, fructose does not stimulate insulin secretion or enhance leptin production. Because insulin and leptin act as key afferent
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Management Is A Universal Phenomenon Commerce Essay Example For Students
Management Is A Universal Phenomenon Commerce Essay direction is a purposive project. It is certain thing that directs group attempts in the way of the attainment of certain pre determined ends. It is the method of working with and through other 1s to aptly accomplish the ends of the association, by expeditiously using limited assets in the changing universe. Of class, these ends may change from one endeavor to another. E.g. : For one endeavor it may be establishing of new merchandises by carry oning market reappraisals and for other it may be net income maximization by minimising cost. direction involves gestating an interior natural environment: It is the direction which places into usage the diverse factors of production. Therefore, it is the incrimination of direction to gestate such state of affairs which are contributing to greatest attempts so that people are expert to execute their undertaking efficaciously and efficaciously. It encompasses double-checking handiness of natural constituents, decision of wages and wages, preparation of waies A ; guidelines etc. therefore, we can state that good direction includes both being productive and efficient. Bing effectual agencies making the befitting undertaking i.e, suiting the square nog in rectangle holes and aaaround nog in aaaround holes. Being efficient means making the undertaking justly, at least possible cost with little wastage of assets. direction can be characterised in item in following categories: 1. direction as a Procedure 2. direction as an project 3. direction as a control and regard 4. direction as a assembly 5. direction as a Science 6. direction as an Art 7. direction as a Profession hypertext transfer protocol: //www.managementstudyguide.com/what_is_management.htm history of mgt The verb organise arrives from the Italian maneggiare ( to manage peculiarly tools ) , which in bend draws from from the Latin hand ( manus ) . The Gallic phrase mesnagement ( ulterior menagement ) leveraged the development in significance of the English word disposal in the 17th and 18th centuries hypertext transfer protocol: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Management historical theories of mgt Outline1 Historical Theories of Management2 Scientific Management Theory3 Bureaucratic Management Theory4 Human Relations Movement5 Traits of Progressive Management Development Programs6 Contemporary Theories of Management7 Contingency Theory8 Systems Theory9 Chaos Theory Historical Theories of Management Scientific Management Theory ( 1890-1940 ) At the bend of the old ages, the most outstanding organisations were big and industrialised. Often they encompassed ongoing, everyday undertakings that constructed a sort of goods. The United States extremely prized scientific and proficient personal businesss, embracing really cautious appraisal and specification of projects and consequences. direction tended to be the same. Frederick Taylor evolved the: scientific direction thought which espoused this really cautious specification and measuring of all organisational undertakings. occupations were standardized every bit much as likely. employees were paid and punished. This attack emerged to work good for associations with assembly lines and other mechanistic, routinized activities. Bureaucratic Management Theory ( 1930-1950 ) Max Weber embellished the proficient direction thought with his bureaucratic thought. Weber concentrated on spliting associations into hierarchies, set uping strong lines of authorization and control. He suggested associations germinate comprehensive and elaborate benchmark working methods for all routinized undertakings. Human Relations Movement ( 1930-today ) eventually, brotherhoods and authorities ordinances answered to the instead dehumanizing effects of these theories. More watchfulness was granted to persons and their sole capablenesss in the association. A first belief encompassed that the association would thrive if its workers prospered every bit good. Human Resource bureaus were supplemented to associations. The behavioural scientific disciplines performed a powerful map in assisting to understand the demands of employees and how the demands of the association and its employees could be better aligned. diverse new thoughts were spawned, legion founded on the behavioural scientific disciplines ( some had rubrics like thought Ten , Yttrium and Z ) . Traits of Progressive Management Development Programs With the Human Relations action, learning plans recognized the demand to cultivate supervisory accomplishments, for illustration, deputing, calling development, inspiring, coaching, mentoring, etc. Progressive direction schools now have pupils reconsider a broad organic structure of direction subjects and detect those subjects by using that information in the workplace and mirroring on that entry. Learning undertakings incorporate scholars real-world projects in the workplaces or their lives. allotment encompass contemplation and probe on real-world know-how. discovering is enhanced through widening duologue and repsonse among scholars. Very good schools organise to include types of self-development, excessively, placing that the basis for effectual direction is effectual self-management. productive direction development plans help bookmans ( scholars ) take a system s position of their organisations, embracing reconsider of how first maps consequence each other. Assignments encompass identifying and turn toing effects of one activities on their whole organisation. Contemporary Theories of Management Contingency Theory Basically, eventuality thought asserts that when directors make a determination, they should take into history all aspects of the current place and proceed on those aspects that are cardinal to the place at manus. Basically, it s the attack that it depends. For illustration, the go oning attempt to recognize the best authorization or disposal method might now reason that the best manner depends on the place. If one is prime military personnels in the Persian Gulf, an bossy method is likely best ( of class, legion might reason here, excessively ) . If one is taking a clinic or university, a more participative and facilitative authorization method is likely best. Systems Theory . systems theory has had a of import consequence on disposal scientific discipline and groking association. A strategy is a aggregation of portion unified to finish an general end. If one portion of the strategy is removed, the nature of the strategy is altered every bit good. For presentation, a stack of sand is non a strategy. If one eliminates a sand component, you ve still got a stack of sand. However, a operation auto is a system. Remove the carburettor and you ve no longer got a on the job auto. A strategy can be looked at as holding inputs, procedures, outputs and decisions. systems portion feedback amidst each of these four aspects of the systems. Cultural Activism Essaydistinguishable experts have classified maps of direction. Harmonizing to George A ; Jerry, There are four cardinal maps of direction i.e. designing, organizing, triping and commanding . Harmonizing to Henry Fayol, To organize is to calculate and plan, to organize, to order, A ; to command . Whereas Luther Gullick has granted a keyword POSDCORB where P stands for Planning, O for Organizing, S for Staffing, D for administrating, Co for Co-ordination, R for depicting A ; B for doing allowance for. But the most loosely accepted are maps of direction granted by KOONTZ and ODONNEL i.e. designing, Organizing, Staffing, Directing and commanding. For theoretical grounds, it may be suiting to divide the map of direction but virtually these intents are overlapping in environment i.e. they are extremely inseparable. Each map blends into the other amp ; each sways the public presentation of others. 4 Functions Planning Harmonizing to Koontz A ; ODonell, Planning is reasoning in progress what to make, how to make and who is to make it. Planning connexions the spread between where we are to, where we want to continue. It makes likely things to happen which would non else occur . Planning is make up ones minding in accelerate what to make and how to make. It is one of the basic managerial maps. Before making certain thing, the supervisor must explicate an construct of how to work on a specific undertaking. hence, PLANNING is about attached with creativeness and find. But the supervisor would foremost hold to put aims, merely so will a director cognize where he has to continue. Planing Hunts for to bridge the spread between where we are and where we want to travel. Planning is what directors at all classs do. It requires taking determinations since it engages doing a pick from surrogate techniques of activity. Importance of Planning: i Planning nowadayss waies i Planning reduces the dangers of uncertainty i Planning reduces overlapping and uneconomical projects i Planning promotes innovative thoughts i Planning facilitates determination devising i PLANNING sets up steps for commanding Planning method: i Puting Aims i Developing Premisess: i recognizing alternate techniques of activity i measuring alternate techniques i Choosing an option i Implement the Plan i Follow-up action organizing one clip the Plans have been laid down and objectives peculiar therein, the following measure is to form assets in a sort which leads to the achievement of aims. Forming can be characterised as a method that initiates execution of PLANs by clear uping businesss and working relationships and aptly set uping assets for attainment of recognized and yearned consequences or ends. The direction map of organizing double-checks that attempts are directed in the way of the attainment of ends laid down in the Planning map in such a sort that resources are used optimally and people are expert to work jointly and aptly for a common ground. Therefore, it is in the context of productive direction that the association map earns due importance. It is a agency for change overing PLANs into action. Importance of organising: i aids in specialisation i Clarity in working relationships i Optimum use of assets i Adaptation to alter i productive direction i Development of staff i Expansion and development Forming procedure: i Identification and division of work i Departmentalization i allocation of responsibilities i puting up depicting connexions Directing Directing refers to the procedure of instructing, directing, therapy, actuating and prime people in the association to carry through its aims. Directing integrates individuals in the way of achievement of widespread aims. Through directing, directors non merely advise the individuals in the association as to what they should make, when they should make and how they should make but besides glimpse that their instructions are implemented in right position. Very frequently, this becomes of import constituent in the effectual and effectual operation of the organisation. Directing as a map of direction is concerned with instructing, directing and actuating people in the organisation to carry through its aims. It involves supervising people at work, doing proviso for the indispensable installations and making a work natural environment, whereby employees may show to the best of their abilities. It comprises of passing out instructions and instructions by a better to his subsidiaries. It furthermore encompasses the procedure of m9otivation subsidiaries and providing authorization with an comprehending of their hopes, beliefs and demeanour form. Through the administrating map directors convey about a balance between one-by-one concerns of employees and the concerns of the organisation as a whole. Directing is a map of all directors of the association. It is an on-going activity of directors. significance of directing: i It Initiates Actions i It Ingrates Effort i Means of Motivation i It Provides steadiness i postulating up with the changes i Efficient Utilization of assets commanding Managerial bid suggests the appraisal of achievement against the benchmark and the rectification of divergences to vouch attainment of aims harmonizing to programs ( Koontz and O Donnel ) controlling is one of the of import maps of a director. In alliance to bespeak PLANed consequences from the subsidiaries, a supervisor needs to workout productive bid over the projects of the subsidiaries. In other phrases, commanding agencies double-checking that projects in an organisation are presented as per the PLANs. commanding besides double-checks that an organisation s resources are being utilised aptly and expeditiously for the achievement of preset ends. commanding is, hence, a goal-oriented map. significance of controlling: i Accomplishing organisational ends i Judging truth of criterions i Making efficient usage of assets i progressing worker motive i Ensuring alliance and control and regard i Facilitating coordination in activity Controling method: i Setting presentation criterions i Measurement of echt presentation i Comparison of echt presentation with steps i Analysing divergences i Taking disciplinary activity ( www.Seobyus.com ) ( HubPages Inc. , 2011 ) ( excellentguru.com ) ( enotes.com ) ( managementstudyguide.com, 2008-2012 )
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